Sage thought for a moment and replied, "Okay."

After all, he had another account. He would use his secondary WhatsApp account to add him, so he wouldn't be discovered.

Once he had heard Timothy's story, he would immediately delete his number so that the latter wouldn't notice what Sage had done.

After all, Sage only wanted to hear the story. He didn't really want Timothy's contact information.

Soon, the two of them added each other's contact on their phones, each with their own intentions.

Timothy was extremely excited when he saw the added number. He hadn't expected Caleb's method to actually work.

He managed to get the other twin's contact information!

He had been desperately searching for the whereabouts of the other twin. Now that he had added the contact information so easily, it all felt like a dream. Caleb patted Timothy's shoulder. "How's that? You can never go wrong if you listen to me."

"What should I say to him next?"

"Go ahead and transfer him some money," Caleb replied.

But why did Timothy have to do that?

Making money wasn't a problem for him. After all, he felt he owed the child so much. He would feel it was only fair even if he gave all his wealth to Sage.

if he acted recklessly and let Sage know who he


easy to

typed this sentence and immediately sent it over. He took action

like when you want to catch the attention of that lady over there." Timothy scolded,

continued to explain, "When you send a sentence like

as Caleb finished speaking, Sage sent a question mark, along

buy me

felt a headache. "So

You can

on. Keep doing what you're doing. If you dare to mess it up, I'll break your legs,"

of Caleb, glaring at him as if

took a deep breath. "I'm feeling a lot of pressure

Timothy urged with a frown. "Don't keep

not like you're not someone who can be bought

coldly. "You've got some sense. There's no way I could be bought

this man really intended to buy him

immediately delete hist

with the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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