Now this was a little strange.

After all, if she wanted to deal with Luna, she had to go through Jasmine.

However, Jasmine's methods seemed to have failed, or at least they hadn't produced the results she had expected.

Could it be that Luna had done something Jasmine didn't know about?

Taking a deep breath, Jasmine said sarcastically, "Not so good lately. The information you gave me last time made me feel like I never really knew him."

Her father had always been loving towards his family. However, everything had changed since that woman named Luna appeared.

"Every family has its problems. How about we go to the mall, relax a bit, and chat some more?" Mia suggested.

"Okay," Jasmine agreed readily.

be going shopping this afternoon. It's all arranged. She'll be buying the latest

only thing they needed

the afternoon. Not long after getting out of the car, she saw a tired-looking

families. You need to stay strong. If something happens, make sure to hold onto the family's assets. It's the best course of action for

wasn't sure if Jasmine knew Luna's true identity, so she

soon as Mia


red. "But I never thought my father would have another woman and even have a child-a son with her! I know my. father has always wanted a

years, my father has always been good

expected her father to have fathered an illegitimate

was speechless for a moment. "These days, men's obsession with their sons is beyond imagination. They have

Jasmine sarcastically remarked,

time, trying to surpass my cousin, wanting to be excellent, hoping to earn my father's

How ironic.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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