Jasmine hadn't expected to run into Luna at the mall while she was just out shopping. She had investigated Luna's background and knew what she looked like, so she recognized her at first sight. This world could be a really small place at times.

Seeing Jasmine's reaction, Luna strutted over with a smirk.

"So, you know me. It seems you're quite interested in me."

Luna had heard that Raymond's family had heard rumors and had been secretly investigating her. There had even been a confrontation. She thought it was Raymond's wife who had found out, but it turned out to be Raymond's daughter.

Well, that was even better.

Dissatisfied with her current treatment, she wanted to have the same treatment as Raymond's daughter.

Only then would it be fair.

Jasmine's face turned pale. She was caught off guard as she hadn't expected to meet Luna face-to-face so soon.

snorted. "Your lackey has the same character as you.

was immediately

calling a dog?

talking to Luna. What does this have

didn't take Jasmine's words to

lady throwing a

her wrist and smiled. "I know you're angry, but being angry won't change

all, over the years, Jasmine had much more

too cocky, Luna, I've seen

you. You want to be part of the family? Dream on. Without my mother, Raymond wouldn't be where

a penny,"

to you. Your mother has already stepped back, so everything is

said this to provoke Jasmine, hoping to make her


"Don't stoop to her level. You don't want to dirty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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