Mia was surprised to see Sharon. After all, the last time they had met was at Jasmine's charity dinner, and they hadn't kept in touch since.

Mia hadn't paid any attention to what had happened with Ralph and that family since it didn't concern her. But she didn't expect Sharon to storm toward her.

Jasmine felt awkward when she saw Sharon. She knew Sharon was Mia's former mother-in-law and that she had invited Sharon to the charity dinner in Nord City, as her father had suggested. Raymond wanted to build rapport with the Barrett family. However, Jasmine didn't know about her father's connection with Luna or his plan to use Asher to win over the Barretts at that time.

If she had known, she wouldn't have gone along with it so easily and wouldn't have let the Barretts come near Mia to cause trouble.

Mia looked at Sharon and said, "I don't think there's anything left to discuss. We settled everything a long time ago, right?" Seeing that Sharon hadn't left Nord City and appeared poised for confrontation, Mia had already surmised the topic of conversation. Sharon took a deep breath and glanced at Jasmine. She said softly, "Ms. Shelbert, could you give us a moment alone?" Jasmine nodded and looked at Mia. "I'll go in and order first."

Mia turned to Sharon and asked, "What do you want to talk about? I don't have much time." She wasn't interested in talking to Sharon.

Ralph had been detained and couldn't be

guessed Sharon wanted to talk about Ralph, but she couldn't tell if Sharon was feigning ignorance or genuinely clueless. How


Mia responded indifferently, "I won't

with the

about us Why

my brother was misled, too. He didn't

you're talking about? Or do you think I'm gullible enough

took a few steps forward,

glanced back at Sharon.

you a

stin Nord City by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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