Mia clenched her fists to rein in her annoyance. Although Timothy was stating the truth, she didn't want to be embarrassed in front of him.

She raised her head confidently. "Well, that's none of your concern. Besides, the women around you, including Luna, are the same. They're coming after your status. When you became my bodyguard, did they even bat an eyelid at you?"

"At least they like my face," he pointed it out frankly.

She scoffed. "Wow, you seem proud of that."

He then added meekly, "But unfortunately, you don't like it."

His presence alone annoyed her. However, right now, he stripped off his usual prideful persona and looked like a pitiful big puppy.

He could literally earn a living with that face.

The main reason she fell for him back then was his looks.

Everyone loved hot guys.

she realized that liking a hot guy would

from the entertainment industry. They're all gorgeous. I can have any kind of man I want." Frustration bubbled in Timothy. "Showbiz is too

just need a romantic man who can

gulped. "Isn't

Barrett. You can't make me happy and you don't

women, how

needed to do

you know without giving me

lady selling balloons. An idea occurred to her.

before he immediately

back as regret slowly registered

for his trap? Why did she give that

old lady, a little girl was already

in a difficult position. "I'll give you

girl pulled the

wondering what his

helplessly. "With this money, you can buy all want. Are you sure


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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