Before, Sharon had spent a ton of cash on her brother. She might be bailing him out again.

After Mia messaged Peyton, she approached Jasmine and asked, "How's Mrs. Shelbert's condition now? Is everything going smoothly?"

"I don't know yet, the doctor hasn't given an update. What should I do if something happens to my mother?" Jasmine replied anxiously.

"You have to stay strong. Mrs. Shelbert will be fine. This incident shouldn't shake her up too bad," Mia reassured her.

After all, Alison had stood by Raymond's side from the beginning. If she lacked guts even now, she wouldn't have been able to stick with him until he achieved his current position as mayor.

Though Alison had stepped back from the limelight, Mia believed she must be someone remarkable.

Jasmine smiled bitterly and said, "But she loves my dad so much. They had a great relationship before. I used to believe that too. But now, with Luna in the picture, everything's changed. It made me realize how unpredictable people's hearts can be."

paused for a moment before saying, "Don't dwell on it too much now. Let's talk after

hands. I'll wipe her and her illegitimate child off the face of this earth to put an end to my dad's

hitting a major setback. Jasmine wiped her tears. "It's all because of Luna that our family's in such a mess now. If she disappears, everything will go back to normal." "Hahaha, you sure live up to your name. So naive." Luna rolled in on a wheelchair, sporting a hospital gown. Surprisingly, she looked well. Mia frowned at Luna's appearance. It seemed Alison's condition had worsened this time because Luna had informed her about this matter. Fuming, Jasmine shrieked at Luna. "You slut! How dare

saying, "I can go wherever I want in this hospital. Who are you to stop

grabbed Jasmine's hand. "Calm down, don't let

was obvious that Luna had said this on purpose to provoke Jasmine. But Jasmine couldn't hold back. She lunged forward, slapped Luna, and tipped over

disgrace! You don't even deserve to return to


is today

mom and the

grandparents. Your son will



single penny from the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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