Unfazed, Mia withdrew her hand and looked at Luna. "Since when were you the mayor's daughter? Your identity hasn't been revealed publicly yet, right?"

Jasmine continued mocking, "You're just his illegitimate daughter. How dare you claim to be a Shelbert? Believe it or not, the entire city will condemn you once your identity is revealed. Do you still think Dad wil side with you then?"

No mayor would expose themselves for having an illegitimate child. It was like telling the whole world their weakness.

flashed across Luna's eyes. "Go ahead and expose me then. See

him out in the past, but he merely dismissed her with some money. He even had men threaten and monitor her, warning her not to

agreed to let Raymond adopt Asher because he had always wanted

Although her identity couldn't be revealed just yet, she was already leading a very different life. She just had

instant, Jasmine screamed, "Just

How coincidental was

a coincidence, but Luna's deliberate actions said otherwise. Luna must've been the one who

remember anything for the past five years. Luna was able to roam free for five years as well. Now

that bitch, Luna, has is to let my dad adopt her child. Only then can they gain his support. But if I agree to have only Asher return to my family

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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