So, it was a boy after all.

Timothy turned on his mic. "You're unyielding, huh? Have you never been defeated before?"

Sage snorted, "No."

"Then I'll teach you a lesson today."

As Timothy typed at a frantic pace, the defenses Sage had painstakingly built up suddenly collapsed.

Sage was flustered, not expecting to be defeated so quickly. He turned on his mic. "You were going easy on me? Didn't I tell you to go all out?"

"The game would have been over by now if I didn't go easy on you," Timothy replied nonchalantly.

He initially thought it was a girl as adorable as Ginger on the other end of the server, so he patiently played along with her. What if the girl started crying because he didn't hold back?

But now that it was a boy, things were different. Timothy believed that his son should learn from his mistakes and failures to grow into a mature man. Judging by Sage's haughty tone, he could tell that he was spoiled by the Lane family.

was furious. "I haven't

Don't get too caught up in your wins and losses. Otherwise, you won't be able to improve," Timothy

a proud smile spread across his face. After all, why wouldn't he when his son

when you're clearly delighted? How are you any different from the other parents?

Timothy fell silent. As he continued his assault, he remarked, "You said you've never been

hurried over. "Sage, what's wrong?

Sage was

A twinge

he said,




"Let me handle this."

sat at the other computer

"Mommy, isn't this unfair? It's a 1V1 battle

silly. How do you know he's being fair and doesn't have any backup? You can't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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