Mia saw Luna dash toward them. Luna then shielded Asher.

Luna lowered her head and saw that her son was injured. "Are you alright, Asher? How did you get injured? Did someone push you?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. After hearing her words, Mia could tell this was how Luna usually taught her son.

The next second, she noticed Asher glancing at her. He then pointed at her and said, "She's the one who pushed me."

Mia was not surprised by this outcome.

Asher was spoiled when he was with Luna.

After all, Asher was her only hope now. He is the only way she could stay by Raymond's side. That's why she was so protective of Asher.

After Luna heard Asher's words, she was furious and glared at Mia. "I knew it, Mia! What are you trying to do to my son?

"Let me tell you this. If you ever touch him, I'll not let you off even when I die."

Mia looked at Luna calmly. "Are you sure that your son did not lie?"

Luna retorted, "Why would my son lie? He said you pushed him, and that must be true!"

Mia's gaze turned cold. "You have to show me proof before saying such things. If you falsely accuse me, I can sue you for defamation.

"Plus, the nanny beside your son clearly saw what happened. She knows whether I've pushed your son or not."

look at the nanny and asked in an impatient tone, "Tell

to speak, Asher grabbed a toy and hit her. "Keep your mouth shut! I'll hit you

lose your job, and you'll starve to death without

malicious in such a short time and speak such evil

four-year-old child say such

didn't see how

see it, so what my son

be great if she could catch Mia doing

yesterday's banquet, Raymond gave her the

would benefit her in future if she could have Mia

ceiling. "Have you forgotten that

shuddered, looking a little

became a little complicated.


may not



authority to do so, but we can call the police and let them get the footage. How

and said, "Asher, tell me how you fell down. Did she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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