Mia faltered. "I'll let you off the hook today."

"Wait. What's going on between you and Nicholas?"

Mia raised her brows. "Why do you ask?"

Loosening his tie, Timothy said, "As your ex-husband, can't I ask about your relationship status? Who you're going to date matters to the kids as well. As their father, I should be concerned about this issue."

"Mr. Barrett, I didn't expect you to be so nosy," Mia remarked.

Timothy's expression stiffened. "Well, it turns out I'm nosy."

"Are you jealous, Timothy?"

This was an intentional question. She knew his arrogance would prevent him from admitting his true feelings.

"Yeah, I am jealous."

Mia was stunned. His answer caught her off guard.

"Mia, I'm being serious. I want to court you again and salvage our relationship—"

his sentence, the

in a daze.

"I won't give up."

bed, Mia saw the text

was evident that he sent more messages than she did. She

of how she used to

felt satisfying, indeed. She had to make him feel the agony he used to put her in back then. In fact, this was far from enough since she suffered for

She seemed content with her limbs sprawled out on the bed. Placing

Ginger for contacting Timothy in secret. She had always been kind, and it was only natural that

day, Mia

said, "Ms Lane, these are the proposals from the companies that intend to work with us. You can

"Put them here."

the proposals. Would one of

said, "Ms. Lane, there are no proposals submitted by Barrett Group. It

glance at him. "Did

know. She couldn't care less whether Timothy

was just

host banquets at Aide Castle a few days ago at the banquet. She found it really amusing. She bet those three

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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