Mia's expression shifted, her concern evident in her eyes. "How is Timothy holding up now?"

"He's still unconscious. The doctor mentioned that Mr. Barrett has been really worn out lately and needs some proper rest." After a brief pause, Mia asserted, "Let him rest then. I'll take care of matters with Luna."

Glancing down at Ginger and Sage, she instructed, "You two stay here at the hospital, okay? Wait for me to come back." Ginger nodded eagerly. "Once we catch the bad woman, Great-Grandma Laura will be safe, won't she?"

"Yes, exactly. So, make sure you both stay here and keep Great-Grandma Laura company."

Before leaving, Mia gave Sage's head a reassuring pat. "I'm trusting you to handle things here, alright? They'll heed your words."

Once she had everything sorted, Mia headed straight to the police station.

After a night in confinement, Luna looked utterly disheveled.

Mia intentionally stood before Luna, her appearance impeccable. "What drove you to conspire against me all those years ago?"

It had always been a lingering question in her mind.

Upon noticing the prestigious brand on Mia's attire, Luna's eyes flickered with envy. "Just the fact that you don't deserve to be part of the Barrett family," she spat.

"If Mrs. Barrett Senior could accept a lowly orphan like you, why couldn't she accept me and Asher? All I wanted was to teach that old hag a lesson.

have been perfect if she were dead-then no one could

surprised by

all, toxic

now, prison is where

you to boast about? If our positions were reversed, you might not have acted any differently. I'm convinced I wouldn't be facing this predicament if I had been born as the heiress of

me such kindness. Yet, she never quite warmed up to you. It wasn't about your status; there's something inherently flawed

Mia locked her gaze on Luna. "Rest assured, your time in prison won't be pleasant. In the years to come, you'll realize that

you planning to

find out

those ominous words, Mia offered Luna a cryptic smile, causing a shiver to run down Luna's

by concern for Laura's condition, casting a somber shadow over

a common truth that the virtuous often faced misfortune, while the wicked appeared to

seem to catch

Luna's actions had caused harm to many, making it imperative for her

back at the hospital, Mia noticed Sage deeply engrossed in a laptop, with Heath attentively assisting him. What

Mia, Heath

"The software engineered by the development team has just been delivered,

the FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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