"You don't know anything," Sharon said.

Mia retorted, "I might not know everything, but Timothy is innocent. Before he knew the truth, he always regarded you as his mother. Even after he found out the truth, he has never mistreated you. "Besides, when you said you wanted the Barrett family's wealth, he agreed. Tell me, who else could do what he did?"

Mia felt that Timothy might have been hurt by Sharon's words.

He seemed impressive on the outside, but his identity was a dark secret.

Therefore, his relationship with Sharon became awkward.

Sharon's eyes reddened. "But I also treat him like my biological son."

"You're also his foster mother. Now everyone related to him is dead, and you're the only one he has. What are you afraid of?"

Sharon wiped off her tears. "I'm not afraid of anything. It's just that I felt that I can't trust anyone."

"Timothy is a man of his word. However, Grandma Laura said that if you remain stubborn, making the will public is her only option," Mia said. Immediately, Sharon tore the will into pieces.

Mia's expression remained calm. "The documents in your hands are photocopies. I didn't bring the originals. Do you think I'm that stupid?" Sharon said furiously, "Mia, you did that on purpose, didn't you?"

you want, but there's no way you can have Barrett Group's shares. I've said what I needed to say, and you can weigh the consequences

that, Mia left

for Sharon to take money. If she held the shares, the Hopkins would take everything from her, leaving nothing

was too bad that Sharon

Timothy was around, the Hopkins would

the matter, she was about to take her children to the hospital, but she found out

straight away. When she arrived,

ward first. Timothy was leaning against the bed with a laptop in front of

"Please advise Mr. Barrett. He hasn't eaten anything since yesterday and has been working non-stop. It's like he's going

"Please send some

walked into the ward, Timothy's hands froze for a second, but his eyes were fixed on

some food

at him. "Now, Luna has been arrested, and Grandma Laura

at her. His

pressed her lips

descended upon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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