Chapter 67 You Should Trust Mr Fox’s Judgment

After that, Taylor deliberately studied Monica’s expression and found sadness replacing the surprise on her face.

He hoped Melinda would be happy.

Therefore, he tried his best to stop Monica’s wishful thinking. He didn’t want her to step in between. Stanley and Melinda.

Monica and Stanley used to be the perfect match for each other in others’ opinions.

“Mr. Fox might seem cold from the outside, but it turns out he’s a righteous man.” He complimented Stanley with a smile on his face. “I used to be biased toward him, but now I changed my mind after getting to know him.”

“Is Melinda sick?” Monica asked as she finished the beer in the glass with a gulp.

“Don’t worry. She’s fine.” Taylor continued to lie with a straight face. “Mr. Fox is worried about her health as she gave birth to two children. She has recovered well over the past six years. It’s just that Mr. Fox isn’t convinced, so he ordered me to run a full checkup on her.”

It was the first time Monica saw Stanley care so much about another woman. The simple fact broke her


She poured herself another glass of beer and finished it in one go.

the woman who gave birth to

“Melinda can never match his level. That’s why they won’t


unhappy with Monica fast updateking down on Melinda, but

that Stanley and Melinda were forced to spend their lives

he’s going against

Harbor, Stanley watched the changing landscapes from his Lamborghini window. Compared to the shock of learning another of Melinda’s identity, he felt a pang inside his chest when he thought about her

countless nights. Looking after two kids is exhausting. I

courtyard. Gael, who had been waiting at the entrance

helped Stanley to put on the coat after he got out of the car. “Mr. Fox, Madam cooked this afternoon. She

his tracks before turning

you didn’t come back as expected, Madam and the kids got started without

didn’t you

asked us not

The servant, Diana, took the heated dishes out of the microwave oven and brought

Fox, Madam cooked the dishes herself. She spent the whole afternoon in the

took a seat on the white dining chair and brought the silverware

dishes were some simple homemade food,

stomach didn’t show any signs of nausea. At that,

chance to eat without any worries for a long time. He asked for two more servings before finally setting down the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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