Chapter 115 Simply Disliking

It wasn’t until the car drove away that Melinda got into her car. Seated behind the wheels, she felt waves of sadness. She closed her eyes, trying to process those negative emotions.

On the other hand, in the grand vice president’s office of the Fox Group, Monica zoned out, thinking about the morning she saw Jennifer coming out of the living room at Emerald Harbor. It seems that she gets along well with those two children. At this thought, she felt anxious.

Melinda has children as bargaining chips, which will only secure her position as Mrs. For even more. What’s terrifying is that she shares a bed with Stanley every night, and emotions can develop through such closeness. Monica was apprehensive about her potential next step, deeply concerned about her happiness. In an act of frustration, she forcefully picked up a document from the desk and threw it.

Her emotions spiraled out of control, startling Lydia, who was sorting out documents nearby. “Miss Keller… What’s wrong?”

“L-Lydia.” Monica felt like crying. Although she struggled to hold back her tears, her voice was trembling. “If, in the end, the person by Mr. Fox’s side isn’t me, then all my efforts over the years. will truly be meaningless.” She suddenly felt so done with life.

Hearing that, Lydia sympathized with her. “Miss Keller, shouldn’t you communicate with Mr. Fox again? I have a feeling that there’s a miscommunication between you two. I don’t think he likes. Melinda.”

Yet, Monica still sighed.

from the countryside.” Lydia couldn’ frustrations. “What makes her worthy of Mr. Fox? Those designs are clearly hi commentator.

useless, as was scolding her. Unless disappeared from this world, it

was feeling too distressed. “I want to

and advised, “Miss Keller, you work with Mr. Fox every day. The closer person has the upper hand, and you have known each other for a long

word, Monica finished the glass

Fox is back,”

lightbulb moment. “Go prepare some ingredients for making congee.


in the president’s office, while Max

sound of high

and saw Monica entering with a bowl emitting

walked straight to Stanley and said in a gentle voice, “This is a congee I made for you.

and picked up a random document to leave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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