Chapter 141 Mervin Is Hilarious Too

+15 Bonus

At the end of the day, it was about his mother. Stanley desired a favorable outcome, so he no longer dwelled on this issue. He then earnestly asked, “What about after ten days? According to my mom, these ten days are just for treating her right hand “

“After ten days, once I have gained her complete trust, I can stay here alone, and Taylor can go about his own business” Melinda had planned everything.

At her words, he felt relieved. “Okay, you guys go ahead and do your things. I’ll be at my desk. With that, he turned around and returned to his desk.

With the two doctors working on the medicine not far away, the three of them shared the same space, creating a somewhat peculiar atmosphere.

The weather was nice today. Since the start of the filming for “The Love in Sapphire Bay, several scenes were filmed every day.

Mervin’s charming smile was wild and alluring, perfectly embodying the male lead in the original novel. As a newcomer to the entertainment industry, he was humble and polite, actively buying drinks for the crew members every day, including the assistant. As a result, he was well-liked on set.

On the contrary, Shirlene had been in the industry for a long time and had long forgotten her humble beginnings. She had grown so accustomed to having her assistant unscrew bottle caps for her and catering to her every need. Yet, no one dared expose her since everyone depended on her to make money.

“Scene three! Get ready, everyone!”

the thin blanket from Shirlene’s legs and helped her

Shirlene walked

toward her. As he stood in front

strong aura, she proudly raised her chin and asked, “Have you memorized your lines? I do all my

kissing scene here,” he replied with a hint

furrowed her brows. “Yes, there is one, but you’re not allowed to stick out your tongue or try to take advantage of me.”

he took a step back and waved his hand in front of his nose, furrowing his brows. “Please brush your teeth first. Your breath is too strong, and I’ve been enduring

words, she became speechless. When she caught a glimpse of the

director asked, “Are my two leads

Mervin looked at the director with a smile, then turned



141 Mervin

+15 Bonus

asked in a low voice, ‘Are you going to brush your teeth? If not, I’ll tell the director that this scene can’t be done.

The proud princess

day was wrapped up, and everything went smoothly. Mervin and Shirlene returned to the hotel with their rooms

off her high heels before walking barefoot toward the terrace. “Who does he think he is? He’s just a newbie who got lucky and became the male lead,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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