Chapter 179 She Will Stop at Nothing

Jennifer, who had just taken off her mask, saw Monica walking toward her in the courtyard. She smiled slightly, feeling even better now.

“Hello, Miss Fox.”

“Hi, Monica! Didn’t I tell you not to bring gifts every time?” Jennifer greeted her at the door. “Make yourself at home here!”

Monica was surprised by Jennifer’s warm welcome. She can take off her mask now! She then put down the gift and hugged Jennifer gently.

“Miss Fox, this is just a little token of my appreciation.

Behind her beautiful smile, there was a slight decrease in her sense of security. Melinda had to prove herself, but was there still a place for Monica in the Fox Family?

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Monica asked, “Is Melinda upstairs, Miss Fox?”

“Yes, she’s still working on her medical research.”

asked again,

“Of course. Go ahead.”

Jennifer’s permission, Monica went upstairs. She hid her smile, her mind filled with

hours straight. She had just returned to her room and closed the door when she looked out of the window and fast update a red Bentley parked outside. Was

sipped her tea, she played with the keychain Stanley had given her. The cartoonish guy on

each other again

upstairs and saw that the research room was empty, she walked in and headed straight to the medicine

a bottle of liquid. from her bag and calmly poured it

to leave. She had a calm demeanor, showing no

various young women’s clothing hanging there. This reminded her

Melinda’s belongings to Repulse Bay. Yet, she claimed not to approve of

her heart. She went downstairs and put on a smile. “Miss Fox, the company

Will Stop at

dinner before you leave?” Jennifer asked as usual, with a fondness that

have a meeting waiting for me. Miss Fox, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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