Chapter 200 Kneel to Admit the Mistake

“I admit it.” Monica nodded, pausing before continuing. “But I deeply regret it. If it weren’t for my actions that day, Melinda wouldn’t have met him, and they wouldn’t have had children. Jennifer looked at her and heard her saying, “I just wanted to have him. I love him but didn’t know how to make him love me.”

Reflecting on her emotions toward him throughout the years, Monica smiled, yet a hint of sadness flickered. “He never saw me the way I saw him. I feared I’d grow old without ever being with the person I love. So, I thought that if I became pregnant, there would be a glimmer of hope.”

Surprisingly, Jennifer was moved, and her mood grew somewhat somber. Unrequited love is one of the most painful things in the world.

“As long as I can love him and be by his side, I believe my life won’t be miserable.” Her expression was tinged with sadness.


gaze of the middle-aged woman on the couch, Monica’s mind became fragmented. Didn’t Melinda promise

me, I would’ve never known that I narrowly avoided


and icy gaze, she

with wide, disdainful eyes. How

intended to cause you harm. You’ve raised me, and I’ll forever be in

She had never seen Monica cry before. In

years, she had supported and educated Monica, even reprimanding her for her mistakes. Moreover,

devoid of purpose. Miss Fox, I truly love him… That’s why I lost control and acted this way. Please forgive me. I promise

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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