Mi esposo, un bello durmiente By Lyanna Nichols Capítulo 45 Avergonzado

Hola a todos , ¡ soy Cherry de Miller Group ! Hoy es el 50 cumpleaños de Buck . Le deseo a Buck siempre joven y feliz . No tengo talento , así que no actuaré hoy . _ ”

Al mismo tiempo , Jane frunció el ceño , consciente de que iba a hacer algo , y rápidamente le indicó que se fuera .

deja que se detenga .

Cherry la vio y deliberadamente desvió la mirada , agarrando el micrófono . Ella pensó : ” Nunca dejaré que Cynthia _

presumir , y debo dejar que Cynthia haga el ridículo delante de todos . _ _ _ _ ”

Ella dijo : Como todos saben , Alston siempre ha sido el chico dorado . _ _ Desde que era niño , siempre pienso solo _ _

la mujer más excelente puede casarse con él . Mi hermana Cynthia se casó con él y siempre me sentí orgulloso de ella . ”

Estaba entusiasmada con Cynthia .

Todas las personas presentes miraron hacia arriba . Cynthia frunció el ceño y tomó la mano de Alston con fuerza . “¡ Estoy en problemas ! ”

Humans were strange animals. They couldn’t criticize themselves or praise others. If their mother had been

praising other children in their since childhood, they would hate that child after a long time.

This was still true for children, let alone adults with better self–awareness.

Cynthia was a new face in that circle. She snatched Alston from those women. Many young ladies present

were more or less jealous of her.

After being praised by Cherry, Cynthia obviously felt that many people looked at her with malice and

dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Cynthia felt more uneasy.

Cherry on the stage saw that and sneered. “Cynthia, I remember that you play the violin very well. Why don’t you perform a song for Buck on the stage as a birthday present? I think Buck will be very happy.”

In order to prevent her from refusing, Cherry deliberately used Buck as an excuse. If Cynthia dared to refuse,

she would offend Buck.

“Cherry is deliberately embarrassing you. Isn’t she doing that on purpose!” Lucien exclaim, worried about


Cynthia finally understood and thought, “Just as I expected, Cherry tried her best to let me make a fool of


She took a deep breath and was just ready to go. Alston’s hand suddenly tightened.

Cynthia looked up in surprise and saw Alston’s worried look. He looked into her eyes and said, “I’ll help you

if you don’t

all. Although he had no way to find out

she learn

Jane estaban preocupados por Cherry , ¡ no por Cynthia !

a Cynthia mejor que nadie . Aunque ambos estaban felices de verla a ella y a Alston

mismos , no

era su hermana . Cherry sería la más afectada ,

ridículo .

ese momento , todos pensarían : ” Su hermana es

preocupados .

mejor ?

sintió aún

demasiado tímida . Démosle

iniciativa de aplaudir

debe ser el mejor .

en el salón , lo que obviamente

Alston se puso aún más pesimista y deseó cortar en pedazos a Cherry , Ivan

tratando de mantener la calma . Le dio unas palmaditas en el brazo a

_ _ No te

fue directamente al escenario , y Alston no tuvo tiempo de

tan sola y obstinada ,

estaba lista para irse cuando vio a Cynthia en el escenario . Caminando a su lado , Cherry la miró con

¡ Cynthia , espera a que Alston te aburra

su actitud indiferente enfureció aún más

Su rostro estaba lívido y dijo : “ Eres demasiado impaciente . _ _ _ ¿ De qué te sirve

tiempo _

a las palabras de Jane .

si necesito avergonzarme . _ _ _ _ No soporto que Cynthia tenga una vida mejor que la mía . Sin

for me to look up

present the violin, and Cynthia took it. Her delicate fingers gently stroked the

if she had seen an old friend whom she hadn’t seen for a long

excellent material. It was

timbre was excellent.

Cynthia trembled slightly.

fiddled with the violin on the stage, Ivan sniffed coldly. He felt that she was putting on airs

attempt to delay

fool of herself. He turned to talk to Clare

her with a smile.

took a deep breath, put the violin on her shoulder, closed her


the violin at the scene stopped talking. They could tell Cynthia was professional. They thought, “I’m afraid Mrs. Smith is

slightly, and a string of smooth violin sounds

face, her eyes

it possible? How can Cynthia play the violin? She couldn’t learn that temporarily. She can

she played was Lark Quarter which was very unique, with a

on the strings, and the notes seemed

see the girl in a beautiful evening dress on the

Alston felt that he was destined to fall for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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