Mi esposo, un bello durmiente By Lyanna Nichols Capítulo 54 No es un accidente

Bueno Ya tienes la grabación . _ ¿ Puedo irme ? ”

Después de una hora de susto , Pera estuvo al borde del colapso . Miró a los tres temblando , deseando desesperadamente escapar . _ _ _

Alston sostuvo el teléfono y dio un paso atrás sin mirarla . _ _

Pera pensó que Alston accedió a dejarla ir . Estaba extasiada , y cuando estaba a punto de decir algo , vio a una mujer alta que salía por detrás . _

La mujer se veía heroica , y sus ojos largos y estrechos estaban llenos de frialdad y odio .

Pera reconoció que esta mujer era la que había estado al lado de Cynthia para protegerla . _ ¡Era amiga de Cynthia !

¡ Qué qué quieres hacer ! _ Pera retrocedió unos pasos asustada y miró a Helen con cautela . _ _

Después de lo que pasó en la mañana , sabía cuánto valoraba Helen a Cynthia . Pera hizo que empujaran a Cynthia escaleras abajo y sabía que Helen no la perdonaría .

“ ¡ No te acerques más ! No puedes pegarme … ¡ Lo siento ! ¡ Ya te di la evidencia ! ¿ Por qué no puedes dejarme ir ? ”

Los ojos de Pera estaban rojos . Había cuatro personas aquí , tres de las cuales estaban en desacuerdo con ella . Nadie podía ayudarla , y con muchos cuerpos fríos bloqueando su camino , no tenía adónde escapar . _ _

“You caused everything, yet you think I can spare you after being locked in the morgue for only an hour?”

Helen gritted her teeth with hatred. “You incited so many people to besiege Cynthia. Have you ever thought about letting her go? Do you know you could ruin her life with a few words you made up? Were you satisfied when Cynthia was pushed downstairs?”

“No… I wasn’t. I just wanted to ruin her reputation, but I never thought of hurting her; I didn’t expect anyone to do it!” Pera looked at Helen pleadingly and begged for mercy. She was frightened to the extreme.

Cynthia’s friends were all insane and dangerous; she shouldn’t have messed with Cynthia from the beginning!

Helen didn’t listen to her explanation. She stepped forward and grabbed Pera’s collar, and slapped her hard


Before Pera could react, she was slapped into a daze. Two handprints appeared on her messy face, which

made her face seem like a colorful palette. Under the dim light, she seemed even scarier than the bodies.

behind her.

“You… you actually hit me?” Pera screamed.

the ground and sneered. “I wanted to slap you this

she turned around and left

a long time until she disappeared.

should be thankful that the two of us don’t hit women. Otherwise, you


room suddenly quieted

curled up in fear but didn’t dare to

Alston held the phone and looked at her. “I

like a pardon, and Pera immediately

as possible. Alston’s


the morgue

cold wind seeped in from nowhere. She shuddered

morgue, so she screamed and

the morgue, and Dylan was just about to go to Cynthia’s ward

  1. up. But when he turned around, he found that Alston was heading in the opposite direction.

moment and hurried to

room!” Alston answered

“So you don’t

stern look on his face. “The surrounding people were basically patients and their family members. They were not so–called victims and had no interests. So no matter how excited

they wouldn’t push

after hearing Alston’s

and did nothing else, but somebody rushed out and pushed her. I know Ivan is a cruel man. He asked Pera to slander Cynthia and probably asked someone to take advantage

at the control room, where

camera opposite Cynthia’s office and another above

recorded clearly.

video and saw Cynthia was wrongly besieged repeatedly. His face

he clenched his

and now he wished


was pushed downstairs. Alston paused the video, and everyone looked

with big glasses. He was so ordinary that he

so Alston couldn’t see his face

The more he watched, the deeper he

face also darkened. “The surveillance cameras didn’t capture his face. Not even a single frame did. This man avoided

was indeed correct. Cynthia’s accident was not

they finally

and blurred as if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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