Mi esposo, un bello durmiente By Lyanna Nichols Capítulo 63 El secreto de Lynn

Al escuchar esto , los reporteros en la escena revisaron rápidamente sus teléfonos móviles y luego sus rostros cambiaron .

Sra. Smith , es un número de teléfono público . No sabemos quién es . _ _ ”

, también lo son los míos .

Es una mujer . Acabo de escuchar su voz ronca . Suena frío . _ ”

Cynthia frunció el ceño y pensó . Ella ha ofendido a muchas mujeres en estos días . Fue difícil determinar quién _ _

filtró la noticia .

Cuanto más pensaba en ello , más se enfadaba . _ _ Cuando nadie los detuvo , los reporteros huyeron . _ _

Al verlos irse , Cynthia se burló y se dio la vuelta para mirar ansiosamente a la sala .

A little later, the doctor came out. She rushed up to ask, “Doctor, how’s my mother?”

“The patient is weak. She was severely stimulated just now, which led to palpitations. If not treated in time,

she may die suddenly.”

Hearing this, the sudden weakness in her legs made Cynthia stumble. She fell backward. At that moment, a pair of strong hands put their arms around her waist and lifted her up.

She leaned against the man’s hot chest. All of a sudden, she woke up and turned around.

It was Alston!

He hurried to Cynthia. As a result of strenuous exercise, his cheeks were red, his chest fluctuated and his

heart beat faster.

“Are you all right?”

Cynthia broke away from him and shook her head. She stood up straight and seemed to have found support.

Seeing that she was in a mood, the doctor comforted her, “Pay more attention to the patient, don’t irritate her, there is no big problem, and after finding a kidney source, the patient will recover soon!”

Cynthia bit her lower lip and nodded.

Although her mother’s condition has improved, she couldn’t feel at ease even if she hadn’t found a kidney

source for a day.

Then the doctor left with a group of nurses.

Cynthia went into the ward. Lynn was leaning back on the bed. She looked very weary and pale. Her breathing

was weak, and she seemed lifeless.

depth with tears

Lynn for ten years. It was a hard time for her to look

to lose

asked softly. Lynn heard it, slowly opened her eyes, stretched

beckoned to her.

“Come here.”

She lay

talk to Cynthia when suddenly she


with a too–excellent person

be in pain in the

“I want to have

glanced at Cynthia and nodded. Then he went out and shut the door of the

His eyes

her pillow,

for a moment. Before she could react, Lynn had already stuffed

a small, red velvet jewelry box, which

looked at her

a necklace. The chain was simple and elegant, and the pendant was

where did

hand trembled slightly. Such a top–notch gemstone was

for years. Although their life was not poor, they were not able to


Lynn seemed to think something. She stroked the gem, and her eyes were

tears and nostalgia.

if it hadn’t been for today’s incident…” She looked a little hesitant when she said this. But when she met Cynthia’s eyes, she made

but no one can guarantee what will happen in the future. If… if he changed one day, you can take this necklace to Coast


breathed a sigh of

didn’t know anything about the Green family in Coast City. But the one that could be compared with the

Get Bopus

It seemed that her mother’s background was even more

for a while, and Lynn felt sleepy. Cynthia took

closed the door, suddenly

startled at first, but when she smelled the familiar smell of that man, she relaxed and patted him lightly.

head in her neck and rubbed. Cynthia

touched her.

leave me alone,

time, she heard Alston’s muffled


make me sad,

around, bent down, and looked at her delicate face,

He kissed her hard over and

lasted for several

breathing of both of them was a little disordered. The bodyguard nearby coughed. Cynthia felt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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