These folks were spewing trash talk like it was nobody's business, and the Antonio clan didn't even bat an eye. It looked like Miss Josefina got it pretty rough in that household.

Ryan clapped back, clearly not having any of it. "Don't get too comfy on your high horse. The tables turn, you know! Who are you to look down on anyone? Miss Josefina is top-tier, way above your pay grade to be gossiping about!"-

Josefina was touched - she hadn't expected Ryan to stand up for her. She studied the servants with a cool gaze, and her lips curled into a sly grin. "Maybe you lot should start wondering how much longer you'll be cashing checks from Billy. He's about to hit rock bottom - think he's got the dough to keep you on the payroll?"

Ryan raised an eyebrow. He liked the way Miss Josefina talked.

"Wow, going bankrupt, huh?"

A servant was ticked off and stepped up to argue, but Ryan gave him a look that could cut glass. "Make way for Miss Josefina, chop chop!"

Ryan whipped out his keys, started the pedicab, and zoomed off with Josefina, leaving a cloud of dust for the servants to choke on.

the Antonio family

pedicab hummed along the asphalt for a bit before coming to a halt. Ryan turned around, all politeness and bowing. "Miss Josefina, would you mind stepping off? Once the car's fixed,

hopped out, and Ryan was busily Venmo-ing the pedicab owner. However, when Josefina saw the car Ryan

Royce? And not just any, but a one-of-a-kind custom job. Even the license plate was rolling in eights. If Ryan showed up at the Antonio's in this baby, their jaws would hit the floor so hard and they'd probably hit her

I'd kill to see Lauren and Ruby's faces when

thanking the pedicab driver, "Appreciate the help, and for lending me

"No problem at all."

the deal - anyone driving a Rolls with a license plate full of eights was big-time. Top of the pyramid big-time. After receiving the pedicab keys, the mechanic watched as Ryan whisked Josefina away, then posted a snap to his socials. Caption: [Rich people's world - pure

shop, plus a blurry shot

He'd also had his car fixed there

didn't take any valuables when she left. All

from this house, I'd have her arrested so fast! Toss out all the clothes she's worn - can't stand the

was gone, Billy showed Lauren his phone. "Lauren, isn't that Josie?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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