Bennett was fuming, "Sure, Mr. Robert was feeling blue because Mr. Oliver is single, and there ain't no great-grandkids to bounce on his knee, but he ain't so frail to be knocked out cold just because of that. It's your half-baked medical skills, Dr. Kyler-you're the one who's got it in for Mr. Robert!"

Josefina crossed her arms, her eyes twinkling with mocking laughter. "The patient's out like a light, and you don't even know the ABCs of first aid. A doc like you in the hospital-it's a bad omen." Sam frowned and said, "The kid's got a point, Ellory. Is the bar really that low for hiring at your hospital?"

Sam was really rooting for Josefina she was so young yet impressive, never too proud or too humble. She was one heck of a talent in the medical field. She had even got the Phoenix Touch technique up her sleeve. That was some serious pedigree!

Sam tagged along because he wanted to see what the fuss was all about.

Ellory was mortified and glared hard at Dr. Kyler. "My reputation is in the mud because of you!"

Dr. Kyler felt like crying but had no tears. "Uncle Ellory, I..."

"Don't you call me uncle. From today on, you're no longer a doctor at our hospital!"

Kyler was just dumbstruck, shell-shocked. Her medical career had hit a dead

argue her case, but Ellory gave her a fierce warning, "Say one more word, and you'll see what's coming to

have lifted a finger to help her! Well, that backfired-he

family involved, there wasn't a hospital around that

eyes were vacant as

from Oliver, his assistant presented a check with both hands. "This

check and was momentarily taken aback but kept her cool as usual. 'Holy smokes, all those zeros! The world of the wealthy sure is lavish-they go big or go home.' Josefina took the check without any fuss. Treating a patient and

dark eyes rested on Josefina. "Thanks for saving my grandpa. May


looked at Josefina, the more he wanted to know who

Sam to even


nurse came in and announced, "Brandon's

watched Josefina with dark eyes. "Ms. Josefina, could you please check on my grandpa again?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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