Josefina rolled up to the farm on the west outskirts, which looked like any regular old farm but was actually her secret lab in disguise. She tinkered away the whole afternoon and whipped up antidotes for Garrett, Hattie, and Clover.

Percy watched Josefina work her magic with the meds and couldn't help but moan, "Boss, can't you leave some glory for the rest of us? You're killing it! You make those medical profs look like amateurs." Josefina packed up the antidote and said, "The next steps are on you. Whip up the meds and hit me up when you're done. Then I'll swing by for the experiments."

Percy nodded like a bobblehead. "You got it. I'll buzz you the second I've got news."

Luke strolled in and announced, "Boss, last month's earnings were transferred to your bank account. If Billy knew he was duped and treated trash like treasure, he'd probably puke his guts out." Percy scoffed, "Serves him right! If it weren't for you constantly cleaning up his messes, his company would've gone belly-up ages ago. Now he's crossed you, so bankruptcy is just desserts!" Josefina looked up. "Billy's bankrupt?"

Luke replied, "He's on the brink. Your father got involved. And after you pulled your collab from his company, given his track record, you think he can turn things around?"

realized who's the real lucky charm in the

banter, and with a smile, she said, "Alright, I'm outta

Josefina caught

glowing skin and delicate features

utmost respect, "Welcome back, Miss." The title "Miss" made Lena's face flicker. She felt like she'd been pricked in the

smile plastered

Hattie. "Heard you're fond of chestnut pastries, so I picked some up for you on my

up with joy as she looked at Josefina even more fondly. "Thanks,

worries," Josefina replied, taking a seat next to her with a gentle

her fists, feeling like Josefina was finding ways to embarrass her. She'd rushed back from abroad without bringing any gifts for the family, yet Josefina managed to bring Hattie a treat. Lena moved over to sit by Hattie's side and, with a grin glued to her face and phone in hand, she said, "I feel bad. I was so eager to get home and I didn't know you'd be back, so I didn't

on her phone and held it out to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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