Josefina was surrounded by a bunch of folks, feeling a bit sheepish. "I'm fine, the cut is just a scratch. I can get out of bed and walk around right now." She tried to stand up and take a few steps to show everyone she was alright on her feet.

Hattie grabbed her, insisting she lie down and rest up. "Josie, you've got to chill on the bed for a while," Hattie advised.

Garrett chimed in, "Your mom's right, just listen to her, will ya?"

Hattie, all worried, went on, "Josie, once you're home, you just lie down and rest. I'll find you a nurse who'll stick to you like glue, 24/7."

Garrett nodded, "I've ordered a bunch of health supplements for you. You can really build yourself back up once you're home."

The doctors were gobsmacked. Was all that really necessary?

However, they didn't dare say a word, just kept their thoughts to themselves.

Josefina rolled up her trouser leg, "Look, I'm really not hurt."

at the sight of her leg. He gently

Were these people treating her like she was made

then, Lena walked in, "Mom, Dad, I'm the docter here.

swiftly declined, "The wound's already been dressed,

the bandaged wound, told Lena, "Your sister's

Lena nodded, "Okay."

kitchen cook up some soup. Make sure you

go grab a wheelchair to wheel Josie home so she can rest up. We've got the family doc on speed dial just in

a bother, protested, "I can

scooped up once again.

he supposed to smile through that? Garrett, striding fast, caught up with Oliver, "Oliver, that's my daughter. Let me carry Josie home. I'm her

hold Josefina, simply nodded and said,

was ticked off again. Oliver was like

little girl. What if people see and get the wrong

"Maybe I

"Let them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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