Lena sauntered over with a friendly smile and took a seat next to Hattie, casting a concerned glance at Josefina. "Josie, you alright? I'm a doctor, so feel free to let me know if there's any discomfort." "Thanks, I'm feeling quite alright now," Josefina responded with a gentle smile, even as her phone kept buzzing incessantly, vibrating with a persistence that demanded attention. She promptly dismissed the call and shot off a quick text.

"I'm feeling a bit worn out, need to catch some Z's. I'm gonna head up," Josefina finally declared.

Hattie stood up, taking charge of Josefina's wheelchair. "Let me wheel you up."

Josefina, however, decided to address Oliver directly, "Oliver, see you around."

Oliver's grin was broad, "Till next time."

As Oliver watched Josefina disappear into the elevator, he bid farewell to Garrett without sparing Lena a glance.

Throughout the drive, Oliver was enveloped by a chilling silence that seemed to forbid any warmth. He whipped out his phone, his voice cold as ice, "What's the progress?"

anxiety, "We've hit a dead

laced with

"Will do."

freeze the air, making

in her room, Josefina bolted the door and returned

the same wall we

they haven't succeeded, so they'll definitely plan another hit. You guys just focus on your stuff,"

only deepened with Josefina's reassurance. He felt useless, unable to expose the mastermind despite the second chance at life she had

order at the tech company. It's from Oliver's firm. They want you to

Don't they have their own IT department?" Josefina

IT team pulled an all-nighter in a battle of wits with the hacker, narrowly clinching a win." Josefina's cybersecurity firm was


got it. Your terms will be relayed,"

hanging up, Josefina stood up and wandered for a bit. The wheelchair beside her was starting to feel like a nuisance. She settled down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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