Oliver furrowed his brow as he stared at his phone. [Spill it.]

George replied to Oliver, [We've confirmed that Ms. Josefina was indeed at the lab that day with Percy and Luke.]

Oliver's frown deepened, and then he typed back, [Josie's got a knack for healing, and Percy's a doc. It's only natural she was there for some medical emergency.]

[Oliver,] George ventured, [is it possible that Ms. Josefina is the new heir to the House of Adams?]

Oliver said, [Can you shut up?]

George's hands trembled as they clutched the phone. Had he just stated the obvious, the fact that Oliver had known all along?

George quickly deleted the message and added, [You're absolutely right, Oliver. Ms. Josefina is as delicate as a lamb, too frail to fend for herself. She must have been there to lend a hand.] Oliver didn't respond, and George felt like he'd dodged a bullet.

Slipping the phone into his pocket, Oliver overheard Brandon say, "Hey, Oliver, I heard at dinner that Judson gave Josie a present. This Judson guy, could he be Judson Adams?"

Oliver Said, "Grandpa, you're overthinking it."


didn't want to blow


tiring day, Josefina headed upstairs early

with her hair tucked in a towel turban, two visitors were

and Luke chuckled upon seeing

Luke observed. "The Harrisons

a robe. "Put this on.

in the robe, Josefina looked fresh as a daisy,

secretary dug into who was at

be tough, but we won't let you down! If he dares to mess

sighed inwardly. Luke's thought process was truly unique. Couldn't he see that Oliver was

his homework on Oliver and knew that he had never been in a relationship. Rumors even suggested Oliver preferred men. But his two close friends were not that kind, with their own love

eyes, but when he looked at Josefina again, his expression was back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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