The lights in the office flickered out abruptly, leaving Josefina stumbling into the comforting embrace of warmth.

Oliver held her close, his voice a soothing whisper in her ear, "Don't be scared."

The dark had long been a source of terror for Josefina, a fear rooted in childhood nights spent locked in pitch-dark rooms. From those days on, she couldn't bear to be in the dark without light.

It was a scorcher of a summer, and with the air conditioner humming in the background, the office curtains were drawn, shielding the interior from the faint glow of streetlamps and leaving the room in an eerie darkness.

Josefina's grip tightened on Oliver's arm, her panic palpable to him, tinged with an undeniable dread.

"Hold on, I'll pull back the curtains. Once there's light, it'll all be fine," Oliver reassured her as he held her close.

Gritting her teeth, Josefina fought to quell the fear clawing at her insides, inching her way to the window with Oliver's guidance.

outside light spilled in, lessening the grip of Josefina's

sight of Oliver's resolute jawline. Their eyes met as she looked

back," Oliver suggested, worried that Josefina might unravel completely. He took her

was a problem with the door lock.

frowned at him, her silence speaking volumes of her

you really think I'd stoop so low as to trap us together? I'm

her. Using the dim light from outside, she hastily packed her belongings into her

said, taking her arm.

stepped back as Oliver's foot slammed against the door with

her hand once more, guiding her toward

also locked, and there was a smell of gasoline in the air. Oliver knew they had to get out fast. "I'll get you out of here," he said as

of my hand first. I'll

to the side, Josefina slipped a bobby pin from her hair and jimmied it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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