After a hectic day at work and just as Josefina was about to call it a day, her phone buzzed. It was her mom, Hattie, on the line.

"Josie, your dad was telling me how you've whipped the company into shape and landed a pretty penny for the fashion house. We've decided to take you out for dinner tonight to celebrate. My girl, you're just so capable, and mama is so proud of you."

A warm flutter stirred in Josefina's chest, bringing her a comforting sense of assurance.

"Josie, we're trying a new place this time, not the usual Gourmet Galaxy. A change of scenery. We'll come and pick you up."

"It's alright, just text me the time and place, and I'll meet you there."

Hattie knew Josefina preferred to keep a low profile, so she agreed, "Alright, Josie. Don't overwork yourself. Money's endless, but health comes first."

"Thanks, Mom. I'll take care of myself."

The word 'Mom,' filled Hattie with elation.

"Okay, Josie, I won't keep you from clocking out. See you in a bit."

"Sure thing."

headed out. Her phone

"Dinner together?"

faint smile. "Family

couldn't hide the disappointment. "What time will you be done? Maybe I could meet you

head straight home

phone, the call was still on. As she was

"Where's dinner?"

Restaurant," Josefina

"What are the

suspected he was spinning tales. "I've got to go now, about

Mercedes toward the East Garden

burning a hole in her purse, and she was over the moon. Entering the private dining room, she saw her family already gathered and exclaimed, "Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Calix, did you all know something in advance and come here


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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