Josefina couldn't wait to put some serious distance between herself and this relentless family.

As she witnessed their almost frenzied determination, she reluctantly brought her car to a halt.

"Spit it out. What's the big emergency?"

Her icy demeanor was enough to get Lauren's blood boiling.

Lauren snapped, "You've got some nerve, Josefina. Why are you meddling in Ruby's marriage? Tell me you weren't cozying up to the Baldwins in there?"

Frowning, Josefina retorted, "If you're that paranoid, maybe you should seek help sooner rather than later."

Ruby chimed in with venom, "My grandfather arranged my marriage with the Baldwin family. Josefina, can you honestly claim you haven't hijacked my nuptials?"

Billy interjected, "I've already asked around. Brandon dismissed his grandson's engagement to Ruby, claiming young Oliver's heart belongs to another. Brandon even declared the old marriage agreement void."

Josefina chuckled disdainfully. "Unless I'm mistaken, didn't your dad make it clear on his deathbed that the deal was off? It's you guys who've been shamelessly clinging to a broken contract, isn't it?" The trio's faces soured-they couldn't deny the truth in her words.

them was the enigma of Josefina's visit to the Baldwin estate-what business could

at Brandon's? Without flaunting

her face, "Given your less-than-stellar reputation, how on earth did you get an audience

demanded, "Get it straight with Brandon. It's Ruby who's meant to be his granddaughter-in-law, not

Josefina showed

happened to save him when he collapsed on the street. Not everyone

with fury. "Josefina! Don't you

interested in playing her

up, and out stepped a

went pale as

with ease and set him down like

newcomer exiting

leaning into Josefina's window

"Everything okay?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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