Lena breezed into the office. Her voice preceded her as she announced with a flourish, "Josie, I got you some afternoon tea, something special just for you."

Her smile froze as her eyes landed on the identical, yet more expensive, set of afternoon tea already gracing Josefina's desk.

"Oh, you've already got yourself some tea..." Lena's voice trailed off, with awkwardness etched into her tone.

"That's from Oliver," Josefina said, oblivious to the sting her words carried for Lena.

Josefina noticed Lena's pallor. "You're looking a bit off-color. Sick, maybe? Came to have me check on you?"

Lena could only muster a silent stare. She set down the tea tray; her arms ached from carrying it for so long.

"I didn't come for a check-up. I just wanted to see how you are. Running the company must be exhausting. You need to take care of yourself."

"Thanks, but I'm fit as a fiddle, up to the task," Josefina replied with brisk assurance.

Lena's gaze swept the office, with a flicker of envy passing through her eyes.

"Anything else?" Josefina prompted.

a get-together

it much thought, she declined. "No need.

aback. Could Josefina be going

busy. Could he really

warrant a

don't wanna go, I won't push you," Lena said with a

to discover the video

up?" she

you might have

for words. Oliver had overheard their

you off to this weekend?"

house party," Josefina

"Count me in."

you tagged along? Besides, I hear you're swamped. You probably don't have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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