Josefina rolled her eyes. "Cut it out, guys."

With a playful kick, Josefina nudged him. "What are you even saying?"

Percy elbowed him lightly. "Did your tongue slip or something? Are you dreaming of having daughters? With your luck, you're destined for a house full of boys."

Luke scowled, and his mood soured. "I like girls, and I don't want sons. Percy, quit jinxing me!"


Josefina saw the banter escalating and swiftly played the peacemaker. "Enough already, Luke. How's that investigation I asked you about coming along?" she inquired. Luke shook his head. "I checked the stables and came up with zilch. No clues."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "How's that possible? Josie sent you that tip-off at the crack of dawn."

was pretty thorough. The horses were all fine. No sign of any shady characters either. It's got me stumped. If Lena's behind this,

daughter of the Harrison family was a secret, unless - could Lena have known all along? "Dig up everything on Lena, from birth to now," she instructed

I'll get right on that." With that, Luke exited the lab to take matters

with Percy, Josefina looked at the clock. It was five in the afternoon. Shedding her lab coat, Josefina accepted a glass of water from Percy. "Thanks," she said, gulping it down. Percy hesitated, then spoke up, "Josie, you're going to

"How about I take you

my treat tonight. Have to take a rain check. You know what? I'll take you out next time, Percy." Percy grinned, "Sure thing, Josie. At least let me give you a lift to the


as always until they reached the restaurant. Stepping out of the car, she thanked

and headed toward the restaurant entrance. Percy watched her go, noticing that before she could enter,

possessive, throwing a challenging look at Percy before leading

usual spot at the restaurant on the

be swamped?" she teased.

am busy,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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