At noon, as Oliver pondered texting Josefina about lunch plans, his phone buzzed with a message from her. [Don't come over at lunch. I'll come over with some food.]

Oliver's heart swelled with joy, and he called out for George to come in. Upon entering, George noticed Oliver's look of sheer delight and had only one thought. Was Oliver about to strut his stuff like a peacock in full display?

"Sir, you look so thrilled and happy. Is Ms. Josefina coming over?" asked George.

Beaming with approval, Oliver exclaimed, "George, you're a sharp one. Josie's coming to see me - of her own accord, no less - and she's bringing lunch."

George used to think Oliver was a man of few words, but now he realized Oliver wasn't reticent. He simply had nothing to say to others. And now, look at him, chatting away like there's no tomorrow. Catching on quickly, George chimed in, "Congratulations! Ms. Josefina must be smitten with you to come all this way!"

headed to the coat room, where he kept a

Oliver inquired. A sharp outfit

and said, "The ladies at the office once

was taken aback. For a moment, he wasn't sure if he'd

If the girls like it, Ms. Josefina, being a lady herself, is bound to feel the same. Maybe she'll even fall for you." "That's enough, you can go." Oliver's

was a crisp white shirt, topped off with a blue-checked waistcoat and covered by a neat blue blazer. His face was strikingly handsome, with perfectly

to the nines, Oliver headed down

tall, wondering what kind of person

short-sleeved dress walked through the door, Oliver's frosty demeanor melted in an instant. He approached

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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