Josefina strolled into the bar, where Livia, Luke, and Percy were already waiting by the entrance. Livia was rocking a pair of denim cut-offs and a sleeveless tee, topped with a wild, poofy hairdo that had Josefina caught between laughter and disbelief.

"Livia, what's with the wild mop?" Josefina teased.

"I needed a disguise so my folks wouldn't spot me here. Even if someone sees me, they might not recognize me," Livia explained with a grin.

Luke chimed in with a chuckle, "Livia, I gotta hand it to you, that's pretty smart."

Livia raised an eyebrow and flashed a cheeky smile, "Luke, you've got quite the eye."

to Livia, "Livia, you still don't know me that well. I've always had an

her arm through Josefina's and headed inside, "Josie, let's make a pact -

Luke, eager not to miss out,


brought with him a present for Ruby. "Ruby, this is a dress I picked

was because Billy had seen the paternity test results. They confirmed without a doubt that he and Ruby were father and daughter,

couldn't resist. The dress was gorgeous. "Thanks, Dad. You work too hard. Mom made you her special chicken noodle soup. Give it a try," Ruby said, dutifully pouring

tampered with the test results and had the doctor in

competition coming up. Ruby, you've got a knack for this - you should enter. If you win first place, it could be a huge

standards hadn't improved despite the classes she took. With no real flair for design and

want to focus on my studies for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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