It satisfied him to feel Camila clinging to him.

Isaac sniffed the air and grunted in approval when he caught a whiff of her scent.

Debora’s face flushed with rage, but she restrained herself from showing it to Isaac.

“I’m on the night shift today. I’m doing the rounds, so I came here to see if there’s anything I can help Camila with,” she answered, forcing a smile.

“Are you so kind for real?” Camila questioned sarcastically.

She then took in the sight of the bald, unattractive man standing at the door.

Then, she glared at Debora. Just how cruel could this woman be?

drugged water, and that man had entered her

Camila’s eyes dimmed.

is this? Is he your boyfriend?” Isaac was cold to Debora. Camila wondered if it was because he

her no mercy. “You sure have a lot of

almost erupted in a flurry of expletives. “Don’t badmouth

Isaac and explained, “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s

Debora finished speaking, Camila

seen her with her boyfriend before. But now, she was

What would Isaac think?

As expected, Isaac scowled.

It was

found out about it, he despised her. However, he was unable to

why he treated Debora cruelly sometimes and nicely other

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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