It felt very much Like a talk between a man and his wife.

Suddenly, Camila’s grip on the milk cup became firmer.

“I see,” she replied in a low voice.

She was not used to such a harmonious atmosphere between them.

A little later, Isaac made his way to the company.

Within minutes of his arrival, Wynter informed him, “Mr. Perry has been waiting for you for a long time. It seems like he wants to talk about what happened yesterday.”

“I won’t meet him,” Isaac replied bluntly.

“Understood, sir.”

where Leland was waiting. “I’m sorry, Mr. Perry, but Mr. Johnston is

it was scheduled over a month ago. Would you mind visiting

a moment

happened last night, Leland was trying to avoid

why he decided to

hoping that Isaac would take what had happened last night as

appointment.” Wynter

next visit so that it won’t be in vain that you came all the way here. Mr. Johnston is really busy

he was, guessed that Wynter was just giving him

came up with

no intention of meeting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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