“It says here that she does dance rating work. That is to say, she knows dance. It just so happens that I know a bit about dance myself. This will be a walk in the park, don’t you think?”

Isaac’s eyes gleamed with admiration.

Indeed, this woman did know a lot. Not only was she sensible, she was highly accomplished, too.

On top of her excellent medical skills, she was also well-versed in the arts. She played the piano, painted, and danced.

“By the way,” Camila suddenly said, having thought of someone.

“Maybe that person knows her.”

She took out her phone and took the woman’s photo. She then grabbed Isaac by the hand and pulled him over.


Mr. Harrell Chavez from Relcom

close and


dance studio, and the students need to be graded regularly. She could have

for them, Elva hadn’t forgotten

of the studio’s classrooms. Elva promptly led her

I didn’t find the time to drop by. But

handed the glass to Camila

the latter set it down on the table

know this


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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