Chapter 1520 Choices and Complications

Chapter 1520

However, she couldn’t speak out about these things. She could only keep them in her

heart. She understood Emmanuel’s previous situation and admired this man. He truly

lived up to the name of the Wolf Warrior, being able to keep his cool.

“What will the child’s surname be? I’ll discuss it with Emmanuel and Grandpa. For now,

let’s not talk about this topic”

Mackenzie made the final decision.

All of them finally kept quiet.

Alessandra felt uneasy but didn’t continue.

She also wanted to help the Lowe family continue its lineage. If the child has the

Quillen surname, how will she deal with the Lowe family?

Chapter 1520 Choices and Complications

Unless Emmanuel and Mackenzie agree to have another child, that child must bear the



Emmanuel had been silent all this while. It wasn’t that he didn’t have an opinion, but he

didn’t want to provoke conflicts between the two families in such an atmosphere.

He also believed that debating with the Quillen family aunts was meaningless.

Alessandra and Terence’s opinions were just for reference. The final decision rested

with him and Mackenzie.

“Hmph, let’s not talk about it for now.”

Hannah looked dissatisfied. Although she was Mackenzie’s elder, Mackenzie was the

in charge of the

until Old

the super engine was successful.

Choices and Complications

take us

enthusiastically opened up another topic.

pondering whether to agree, and Alessandra quickly

you’re pregnant now. It’s not suitable to move

like the

I’ll be careful. However, as the head of the

many things I must

immediately sneered at Alessandra, “What does a woman like

around their

to achieve great

go to the factory. What’s wrong with

arguing and could only lower her head in grievance

1033 Mon, May

Choices and

about to argue with her mother again,

want to rest well today.

take you to see our

it’s settled then.”


didn’t escape

deal with the relatives from both families, Beatrix also tactfully

aunt out to stay in a five-star hotel for the night,

to spend tonight nurturing their

with her words. Don’t

became increasingly understanding and actively

10:33 Mon, May

1520 Choices and


you differently.”

revealed, so she

many things couldn’t be explained, such as where he got so much

to command the Wolf

I never intended to

Besides, her words don’t count anyway.”

said it casually.

have you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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