Chapter 1522 Secrets Revealed

Chapter 1522

Mackenzie also didn’t hold back and told Emmanuel everything.

“The Finch family?”

Emmanuel furrowed his brow slightly. “However, I don’t think that Derrick seems like a


“Hmph. You can’t be too careless. In the future, stay away from those kinds of people.”

Whenever that man was mentioned, Mackenzie couldn’t help but feel angry because it

reminded her of the time they went to The Paradise together to find prostitutes.

Emmanuel also understood why his wife was angry, so he awkwardly scratched his foot

and quickly changed the subject. “I’ll go drive over. Let’s go home and rest.”

That night, Hannah and Samantha went their separate ways.


09:06 Tue, May 7 GU

Chapter 1522 Secrets Revealed



Only after the end of the Nuthana Grand Martial Showdown that night did Hannah drive

alone to a private club.

There, a charming middle-aged man was already waiting for her.

“Darling, I’ve missed you so much.”

The man was in a good mood. Upon seeing Hannah, he couldn’t wait to embrace her.

He exuded warmth mixed with a hint of roguishness, coupled with an aura of

dominance. He was clean and even had a hint of high-quality cologne.

Such men were hard for women to resist, even for someone like Hannah.

for a long time,

wildness. It wasn’t until her passion erupted and she

his muscular waist that he began to meet her needs


May 7

1522 Secrets Revealed

lying on the wine-red sofa, panting heavily with the

of orchids, her whole body drenched in

eyes and the corners of her mouth

strong sense

fifty, to

was filled with pride, and his smile exuded mature charm. “Of

always preserved my

Bernett Finch, the father

forties this year, the heir of the Finch

for being romantic and had been frequenting entertainment venues since

experience in picking up girls. He

in picking up girls was several times higher than that of


09:06 Tue, May

Secrets Revealed

him, making money as a man was for enjoying



the Finch family’s strength was

now, and Hánnah hadn’t taken a

himself in Valoria through marriage


that his wife had passed away, he was curveballing his way back into pursuing his

lover from back then.

Hannah, feeling unsuccessful in the Quillen family and already in

and empty at night, so under her senior’s initiative,

became his woman.

flavor of being a woman, she was falling deeper and deeper for



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on your family obtaining two tickets to

become the champion of the Grand Martial Showdown, your

fish in water for you to develop in Nuthana in the


family is determined to win

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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