Chapter 1549 Unveiling Deception

Chapter 1549

Didn’t Xavier say Mom’s radiation illness is incurable? If even death certificates were

issued, how could she have talked to Quillen last night?!

“You’re lying!” Xavier saw the look in the young man’s eyes and instinctively panicked,

shouting, “Mackenzie, you treacherous woman, attempting to deceive everyone! These

patients died yesterday. How could they have spoken to you last night? It’s all


The surrounding crowd was curious, too. Was it a dying declaration? Or was Mackenzie

just a deceitful woman spinning tales?

Mackenzie, however, sneered disdainfully, her eyes suddenly aggressive. “Xavier, ar

you so sure that these patients are dead?”

She had already figured it out. Xavier and his cronies had based all their arguments on

the assumption that these people were dead.

Chapter 1549 Unveiling Deception

Mackenzie’s smile was enchanting. She was the acknowledged number-one beauty in

Yeringham; how could her smile not be enchanting? But Xavier felt a chill in her smile,

and his smile suddenly stiffened. “What? The hospital reports are out. Can they be


again. “There are plenty of fake reports

bring the dead back to

by that?” Xavier’s sense of foreboding was growing

longer beat around the bush. She took out

She had planned everything before leaving for the company.


handed the phone to the young

The young man was shocked to see

filled with complexity.

1549 Unveiling Deception

why are you out? Didn’t you

for a

me you

not loud, everyone

live-streaming. The scene suddenly


pale, and he quickly shouted angrily, “It’s fake! That’s Al! That’s

mother! Mackenzie has deceived you!”

“If any of you dare to spread

careful of your

snatched the phone back from him and kicked

atmosphere at the scene began to change. The direction of public opinion




mustered his internal strength and loudly declared, “Listen, this

dead at all! There was no radiation leakage at the Hadley

was deliberately set up to discredit and destroy the Terence

word he said,


this, enter Beatrix’s livestream. Her ID is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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