Chapter 1581


The old godfather grinned in approval as he retrieved a weathered martial

arts scripture.

Santiago chortled. “So, you’re finally unveiling the good stuff, huh? I thought

that book was gonna be your companion in the afterlife!”

Emmanuel looked puzzled. What does he want to give me?

“Emmanuel, tonight, when you faced Yosef, you already showed you’ve got

what it takes. It’s yours now. Remember, only by rolling with the punches can

you reach the pinnacle of martial arts!” The old godfather passed the

scripture to Emmanuel.

“Art of Adaptability?”

Emmanuel’s hands quivered slightly as he took hold of the ancient martial

arts scripture.

Santiago had filled Emmanuel in on rumors swirling about the old godfather

possessing an unmatched martial arts technique, possibly the most


12:35 Tue, 4 Jun

Chapter 1581 Dispute



Santiago had filled Emmanuel in on rumors swirling about the old godfather.

possessing an unmatched martial arts technique, possibly the most.

formidable in existence. I suppose this is it.

“Two days. That’s how much time you have left. I’m eager to see how you fare.

against Yosef. Remember, guide him back to the right path if you can!” the

old godfather said, looking hopeful.

Emmanuel felt overjoyed. I always thought the old godfather, by taking Yosef

pass on his legacy to him.

his most valuable martial arts

practically his family at

See you later!” Emmanuel exclaimed,

scripture’s contents

go…” Santiago couldn’t resist a

sprint off as if his shoes had


Chapter 1581 Dispute

go….” Santiago couldn’t resist a playful

him sprint off as if his shoes had



old godfather chuckled

could often glimpse a person’s

a glance.

about passing on his legacy; it

right path. Yosef’s

future? That was a mystery even to him. He was just a humble old

a divine being.

hope for a brighter tomorrow

up his wounds, Emmanuel made his way back to

discover that all the elimination rounds


Tue, 4:

Chapter 1581 Dispute

his wounds, Emmanuel made his

section, only to discover that all the elimination rounds


Emmanuel? The matches are long


handle. We’ll catch up

his support to Mackenzie as they made

of the boxing ring.

Emmanuel’s other

successfully advanced to tomorrow’s

words of encouragement before leaving the

the less fortunate, were

out of

I’ve already compensated you

to treat

Chapter 1581 Dispute.


Frederick! I’ve already compensated you with two

keep asking me to treat you to

the bet! Don’t be so stingy.

stingy as

in on their conversation, Emmanuel pieced together most of


with luck, much like Mackenzie. Despite his

romantic escapades, fortune seemed to smile upon him!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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