“Mr. Nacht is just brutal with words,” Raina said, sighing. “He could have just told you that he’s going to find your kids…”

“Really?” Charlotte said, still not entirely convinced. “Is he really that nice?”

“He found you lying unconscious on your apartment floor last night, and he rushed you to the hospital immediately. He stayed by your side the whole night when you were asleep. Don’t you remember all that?” Raina asked, a little annoyed at how dense Charlotte could be.

Charlotte glanced at the sofa—Zachary’s blazer, the Nacht family’s exclusive wine glasses, and the unfinished pastries and fruits sitting on the table. She recalled how he had held her hand and spoke to her in a soothing voice when she woke up screaming and crying for her kids.

She recalled how he had hesitated instead of outright rejecting her when she begged him to help her find her kids, and how he had only lost his temper when Michael appeared out of nowhere.

Maybe, just maybe…

stubborn, but he’s a simple man with a pure heart. Things wouldn’t have turned out like this if you treated him with equally

“I’ll be eternally indebted to him if he leaves my family alone and helps me

down, Ms. Windt.

said, clambering onto

bandages, and the paramedics came in just moments

Mrs. Berry a call, but she could not find it no matter where

the moment the call went through, and she only calmed down when

she heaved a huge sigh

be going home soon, Mrs. Berry,” she said.

be careful of that

Mrs. Berry and the kids out of the drama with Zachary, but her knowledge of the

as an enemy—for help and this led to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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