“Hi, Madam… “

Charlotte’s thoughts were interrupted by a waiter’s voice right that instant.

After Charlotte snapped back to her senses, she turned around and got a shock. It turned out that the cartoon character whom she was hiding behind was a waiter dressed in a cartoon character costume, and that waiter had already left.

But Charlotte had remained rooted to the spot where she was standing…

Another waiter beside her noticed her strange behavior and hurried over to check if she was alright. “Are you alright?”

“Yup. I’m… I’m fine,” Charlotte replied in a fluster before turning around again and saw Henry walking into the restaurant with the three kids. Just then, Robbie turned around and met his mother’s gaze.

The boy waved to Charlotte before following Henry into the restaurant.

Charlotte was stunned for a moment before dashing towards the toilet and hid inside there.

She couldn’t believe that Robbie was able to see through her disguise. That’s my son indeed.

Charlotte was thankful that it was Robbie who recognized her and not any of her other two kids. Knowing how mature and thoughtful her eldest boy was, she was certain that he wouldn’t expose her.

face, the woman let out a sigh in front of the mirror. The previous time she brought the kids to the restaurant was on their birthday. Moreover, she

the kids from being bullied by Julia, he had bought over the entire Fairytale Land restaurant effortlessly. Not only that, but he

valued the kids and cared about their

seemed as if there was nothing

grandpa and the kids

familiar voice sounded from

In that case, Zachary

froze for a second before quickly putting on her cap, sunglasses, and mask. Then, she

expected, Zachary walked right out of the toilet

subordinates along with him. Charlotte guessed that it was such

Zachary had still managed to become the center of attention. The moment he reached the corridor, his commanding aura attracted the

Is he a celebrity? He’s so cool

those three angelic kids just now? They look quite

they are probably from the same family. He looks very much like Mr. Nacht.

he had just been insulted, and anger

noticed the change in Zachary’s expression and quickly signaled for everyone to keep

tapes to prevent

the scene, frowned in displeasure. As*hole! Do you have to be so mad to hear people

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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