Chapter 2330

“What, what do you mean?” Anthony was anxious.

“Actually everyone’s heart will slowly age with age, it’s just that my heart has accelerated, more than ten times faster than a normal person.” Francesca explained indifferently, “It’s not really a big deal, everyone will die, it’s just a matter of time.”

Anthony: “Francesca, you, don’t scare me, you’re still young, you’re only in your early twenties.”

“Don’t be afraid.” Francesca smiled and patted his shoulder, “I’m just guarding against it, I won’t die so soon, it’s still early.”

Anthony: “Then, then ……”

“Okay, okay.” Francesca soothed, “Don’t be too nervous, I just think, you are strong and heartless, you should live longer than me, that’s why I’m entrusting these things to you, you don’t need to be too nervous.”

Anthony did not dare to ask more questions, but his heart was still apprehensive.

Lincoln had gone, Francesca was the only family member left in the world,


everything seemed to be peaceful, Francesca’s health was good, and the children were growing

almost thought that they would be so happy forever, until the day a strange group of people came down from the mountain, all seemingly coming

two years, Francesca had developed strong skills and was also well prepared, and soon evacuated with the children without incident,

way, Anthony asked later, “Strange, who are those people and

years, Francesca had also been following news about Danrique, there had been quite a lot of news about his sister Charlotte recently, but Danrique had kept a low profile for the past two years, almost nothing happened, and no negative

to Danrique, why would the peace of mind people come to track her

there was an incoming call on her mobile phone, it was Sean calling, his

after her, “Is something wrong

happened on Mr.Lindberg’s side, but we can handle it, he was afraid of involving you, that’s why he asked me to ask.” Sean said, “It’s good that you’re alright, it’s best to change places, the previous place has been exposed, I’ve sent someone over to

if you don’t send someone, sending someone is even more

I’m worried that you and the children will be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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