Chapter 65 At a Critical Moment 

Jade held her cell phone tightly. It turned out that it was Aryana who was behind all this. 

“Why are you telling me this?” Jade asked. 

“Actually, I’m doing this for the Casey family. I can see that Mr. Mosley cares about you a lot. Aryana won’t get any benefits. I don’t want Aryana to make more mistakes for Krista!” 

“You are also Aryana’s niece. Why would Aryana be so good to Krista?” 

Cathy was smart, sensible, and outstanding in all aspects. According to common sense, Aryana should pay more attention to Cathy. 

Get Bo 

“This…” Cathy paused for a moment. “It’s probably because Krista is better at making Aryana happy! Other than being a little willtul, Krista is actually quite cute!” 

Jade thought, Krista is pleasing? It is a joke. Krista is willful and unruly. Other than causing trouble, she isn’t good at anything 

A woman of power like Aryana should have placed her hopes on Cathy. However, she is so good to that idiot Krista. It’s really strange. 

Cathy continued to say, “Of course, to tell you the truth, I also have my own selfish motives. You probably don’t know that I also study chemistry. I have my own laboratory. I like Myla very much. I know that she is good at chemistry. I hope that such a talent can work in my laboratory in the future! So, I don’t want anything to happen to her, nor do I want you to misunderstand her!” 

Cathy sounded very sincere. 

“I understand,” Jade replied. 

After hanging up the phone, Cathy smiled. There was a hint of pride in her smile. Last time on the cruise ship, when Krista was thrown into the sea by Valentino, Aryana was so worried. If Cathy hadn’t noticed that, she would not doubt the relationship between the two of them. 

Cathy thought, no wonder Aryana had always doted on that idiot Krista since she was young. Krista is her daughter! 

With Jade’s intelligence, she will be suspicious soon! Next, they will fight against each other. No matter who wins, it will be beneficial to me! 

If Aryana wins, she will help me get rid of Jade. If Jade wins, she will definitely remember that I helped her. 

Then, my next plan can be implemented, ha-ha

Jade was lying on the bed with her chin in her hand, thinking about what Cathy had said. 

The bed suddenly sank, and then she was forcefully pulled into someone’s arms. The tip of her small nose hit the man’s strong chest. The man’s shower gel was retreshing and intoxicating. It stuelled good. 

“Don’t move.” 

Just as Jade was about to adjust her posture, Valentino suddenly said. 

She secretly

while, Jade heard the sound of even breathing. She raised her head slightly and looked up at that enchanting handsome face.

wins, it

Get op 

get rid of

I helped her.

next plan can be

her chin in her hand, thinking


she was forcefully pulled into someone’s arms. The tip of her small nose hit the man’s strong chest. The man’s shower gel was refreshing and intoxicating. It smelled

“Don’t move.” 

about to adjust her

I stay still?

didn’t dare

a while, Jade heard the sound of even breathing. She raised

seemed to be longer than hers. He had a chiseled face, a straight nose, and thin lips. Even

from the depths of

handsome, quick, and strong. Jade was wondering how he could be

when he didn’t torment her. Her small hands wrapped

his eyes, and a faint smile

The next morning. 



drove Jade to school. A road near the hospital was

of the hospital. There was a woman standing at the edge of the roof.

the firefighters rushed to

window and heard people talking on the roadside.

heard that a woman with cancer is going to jump

the top.

Jade immediately opened the car door

rooftop of

stood on the edge of the roof, looking

don’t want to trouble you anymore. It’s all my fault. Without me, you and

would be better.” 

Get Bo 

this. Don’t leave us behind. Dad and I need you. How can we be well without

walked to the

nervous that they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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