Clarence said, “What do you want to know? I can tell you.”

“Mr. Conrad, if you truly wanted to tell me the truth, you wouldn’t have waited until now. On the contrary, even if I asked you, you would always have ways to deceive me. I can’t differ whether your answer is true or false.”

Clarence chuckled, “It’s not so complicated as you’ve thought.”

Stella said, “It’s not that my thought is complicated, Mr. Conrad. Anything relevant to you wouldn’t be simple. Or, probably, I should say that you are a complicated person, Mr. Conrad. No matter when we got married or now, I’ve never known you.”

“That’s because you’ve never looked at me seriously.” Clarence stared at her. His eyes were quite calm without any expression at all, “Stella, you always evade. When we got married, you evaded from yourself, and after divorce, you evaded from your love to me.”

Stella’s lips parted. She wondered why the wretched man had so many false reasoning.

Clarence added, “Think it over. What do you want to ask me? As long as you ask, I’ll answer you for sure.”


When Stella got home, Sherry was lying prone on the sofa, browsing her cell phone. Seeing her come back, Sherry asked, “Where did you go for dating? How could the wretched man let you come home so easily?”

Stella sat down next to her, exhaling deeply.

Seeing her like this, Sherry knew something must have happened. She asked tentatively, “Did he do anything worse than that a beast could do?”

Upon hearing it, Stella slightly smiled, “What are you talking about?”

“Why do you look so, then?”


Stella didn’t know how to answer.

Sherry said, “The wretched man must have said something. Stella, honestly, just be open-minded towards something. When you are in love, the more you think, the more seriously you might get hurt. Now that wretched... Mr. Conrad likes you and you like him as well. You don’t need to obtain permission from anyone else. If you’ve stopped loving him, or you’ve fallen in love with someone else, just break up with him and dump him.”

“If you are reluctant, you can cheat on him with other men. Remember, the motto of our lives is to be a temptress who has a pool of men.” As Sherry spoke, she patted Stella on the shoulder heavily, “Don’t be afraid of anything. Just do it!”

Stella choked up.

admit that Sherry was more open-minded than her in

Sherry checked through the peeping hole and said, “Stella, I’m going to bed

into her bedroom, bypassing

latter walked to the door and looked through the peeping hole, only to find Daniel standing

out Sherry wasn’t so open-minded as

analyzing others’ love, he or she could make sense. When it was relevant to his or her own love, the same thing

“Hi, Ms. Radomil... You

home from the outside. What’s the

came to your house for dinner,

“You are too polite.

a proper courtesy. Please accept

stubborn for some weird reasons, so she didn’t refuse. She took it over and said, “Thank you,

thank you to

his words,

that, Stella thought that he must want to say something else. Instead of urging him, she slightly tilted her head, waiting for him to

asked, “Please don’t mind me being nosy. Ms.

a bit taken aback, seemingly she didn’t expect that

Mr. Conrad send you

it, but I just don’t know

friend, your own love has

words surprised Stella

nodded slightly, “I got

‘Ms. Radomil, happy New

was coming on

“Happy New Year, Daniel.”

put the champagne into the kitchen.

out after the shower, it

Stella sat at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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