Sherry ignored him, dragging Stella away with a gloomy face.

Seeing this, Daniel could only slow down and stop where he was.

After leaving the neighbourhood, Stella asked, “Did… something else happen to you guys again?”

Sherry sneered and told Stella the whole story about the umbrella.

Stella was voiceless.

After a long silence, she was surprisingly wholly at a loss for what to say.

Sherry said, “I’ve already think that he has a problem in his head. I think he is deliberately targeting me. Seriously, didn’t I just be nice to him a few times when he just moved over here? He actually holds a grudge until now. What’s wrong with him?”

Stella said tentatively, “What if he was just making conversation? He probably didn’t really expect you to go to the airport to look for the umbrella.”

“That would be even more repulsive! You said he was pursuing Phoebe, so what was he trying to talk to me? Does he think I’m the kind of person who comes and goes when called upon? Although this is something flexible depending on facial attractiveness, but it’s just not like him.”

Stella touched her eyebrows as she said with a gasp.

After walking to the car and putting the luggage inside, Sherry calmed down, “Forget it, I won’t bother with him. Anyway, after today, we definitely won’t have the chance to meet in this lifetime.”

Based on her own experience, Stella actually wanted to say that the sooner you declared something, the faster you had to eat your words.

Typically, the more you didn’t want to see someone, the more you would see them.

Putting away her luggage, Sherry told the movers to just follow her car.

She set off humming along happily.

Sherry’s new house wasn’t much further away as the studio was just nearby, just a twenty-minute drive. But to avoid Daniel, with the studio as the centre, the two were entirely in the opposite direction.

By the time they finished moving, it was already off-hours, and Stella went straight back to the Steward family.

Since yesterday’s lesson, she kept her essential things with her before she left. The stuff on her desk looked haphazardly arranged, but there was her own pattern placing it.


and had a look, everything was

bought today and placed it in the corner, just enough

connected to her mobile phone and controlled remotely so that she would be able to know precisely

finished everything, she saw her mobile phone was vibrating

the screen was

sat on the edge of her bed and slowly answered it, “It’s

“What are you

“I’m on a date.”

Clarence said, “What?”


on the bed, flipping through a magazine, and said lazily, “With a young

asked, “How

rollover accident last time. Her words stuck in her mouth for

think I’m too

so charming and many

interrupted her, “Jealous

Stella was speechless.

envious of others, but just to annoy

“I only

that made sense on a rare occasion. She curled her lips and asked after a moment, “About the news, did you find someone to

blind dates for Clarence, annoying him so much. So, he

said, “The photo looks nice. If you like

“No thanks.”

was taken at the Yue Lao Temple before was

asked again, “Are you still at the

responded with a hum, “There’s a lot to

but she took it back. She would just hold it until they were done

“Then go ahead and get

said, “Is that

was puzzled,

many girls that call me husband,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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