After parting with Emmett, Stella just sat in her car when receiving a call from Clarence.

The man’s voice sounded a bit unhappy, “Where are you now?”

Stella answered when fastening the seat belt, “Having lunch.”

“What are you having?”

Stella took a glance at the restaurant nearby at random and told him the name.

Clarence asked, “When are you going back?”

Stella suddenly had a thought, aiming to tease the wretched man. She purposely answered, “I don’t know yet. We’ll also go see a movie after lunch.”

“Will you also go shopping after seeing the movie?”

“How did you know it?”

“That’s a good plan.”

Before Stella spoke again, the door next to the passenger seat was knocked.

She turned around, falling into the silence for a long while.

It was way too embarrassing.

If she had known it, she wouldn’t have faked those things earlier.

Stella curled her lips, put away the phone, and pressed the lock on the door.

Then the door was opened, and Clarence sat in.

Stella asked, “Why are you here?”

Clarence raised his brows and looked at her, “If I weren’t here, would you plan to go see a movie alone?”

Stella didn’t answer.

She wished the wretched man to shush.

She let out a hollow laugh, “I was just kidding. I need to go back to the studio. Mr. Conrad...”

Before she could finish her words, Sherry called her on the phone.

She said, “Stella, are you done over there?”

“Soon. I’ll be right...”

rush. I’m calling to tell you that the electric cable outside of our studio was broken during the construction. The electricity

Stella was shocked.

could it be

t Clarence,

am I that


‘Almost,’ she said inwardly.

she decided to go see a

app on her cell

movie would you like

the one

that was just on a few days ago, the painting style of which was quite


waist quite sore, wondering if it was because that she didn’t sleep well last night. Hence, she

a luxury store. He pointed at a few things at random, “Except for those things, pack all the

saleswomen answered

of his coat, “What are

to the Steward’s when you moved in. How can I don’t know how much luggage you

didn’t have many


didn’t need that

walked around but

she realized that he was referring

anything guilty? Otherwise, why do you treat me so

happy with her question. He asked, “Don’t I treat you

Stella was rendered speechless.

he was treating her extremely well

them along at all. Clarence asked the store to deliver them

sat on the driver’s seat and asked,

to go home. I have a pain on

soon as he heard that, Clarence looked over, his

implied that he didn’t do anything last

night. Of course, my waist would hurt. What kind of nasty mind do you

his gaze on her, curling up

the car was parked at

the seat belt and got off. Stella looked around and asked, “How will you go

to pick me up.” As he spoke, Clarence tilted his head to look at her,

driver’s seat and was about to sit in. She paused a bit and said, “I’d better leave until

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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