The semi-final competition had been a past and they all paid their attention to the result and designs of the final competition.

But there were many accidents.

Therefore, Louis found out all the designs in the preliminary completion and the semi-final competition last night and studied them carefully.

Then he did find out something fishy.

He pushed two designs to Stella. The designer's signatures on the two drawings were all blurred.

Louis asked Stella, "Can you see any problems from the two works?”

Stella took the drawings and studied them carefully.

One of the drawings had a distinct personal style. Its lines were smooth and heavy. Apparently, it was from a male designer.

As for the drawing beside it, although it had some slight differences with the above-mentioned drawing, its lines were comparatively soft and it seemed like it also contained other elements. Even so, it still couldn’t hide the designer’s distinct personal style.

Like the drawing of that male designer, this drawing blended the techniques and skills of the other person. But apparently, this was not what he was good at and the style presented by the design made people feel somehow uncomfortable.

Stella studied them for a longer while and said slowly, “The two designers were drawn from the same person, right?”

Louis asked, “How did you find it?”

Stella pointed at the first drawing, “This designer has a distinct personal style. Moreover, he’s very smart and he’s an outstanding designer. His design contains his own unique tricks both in style and contents. And as for the other drawing, although the style is slightly different from the other one, it still contains his unique designing tricks.”

Stella put down the drawing and continued, “Nevertheless, it’s hard to find out this under general situation. But if you put the two drawings together and are careful enough, you will find out the problem.”

Louis nodded his head with satisfaction and then tore away the stickers on the signatures of the two drawings.

was a bit stunned

drawing that Stella first studied and said,

“And this is Modesty’s. I think I don’t need to analyze it as you

A thought popped into her

help her cheat in the competition and

powered off and we can’t get in touch

slightly nodded her

mainly responsible as there’s cheating behavior in the contest. Ms. Radomil, although I said that the ranking

car and fixed her eyes aimless

loved designing. But she didn’t expect that Modesty would do such kind of thing just for

saw Emmett who was

Stella, Emmett talked something into the phone, ended the call and quickly put

did you come

Emmett hurriedly explained, “Stella, actually I’m not here to find you

the lounge, Cameron was chatting with Sherry with a bright smile on

when he heard the sounds from the door, his smile becoming brighter, “Stella

slightly nodded her head,

you may talk with this mister. I will

her back, Cameron smiled,

lounge. He closed

“Sorry to keep you waiting for me for so long. I was delayed by something just

doesn’t matter. I felt boring and walked around. Then I suddenly decided to visit you.” Cameron continued, “Stella, do Charles and Phoebe seek

busy with their own problems recently. I guess they don’t have the vigor

about those things. Stella,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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