Stella said, “Could you stop asking me such inexplicable and ambiguous questions?”


Taking a deep breath, Stella looked at him again, “You made me feel that I’m the birth mother of that baby.”

This was the first time that Stella made it so clear to him.

Before today, she had tried several times.

However, after getting his answer, she denied her guesses.

She wondered what was in Clarence’s mind as he extremely loved to ask her such questions.

Clarence gazed at her with his black eyes. After a few seconds, he chuckled, “What are you thinking about? Since you like that little bastard so much, I could become his godfather, so in the future, you can always meet him.

After a moment of silence, Stella said, “Not necessarily, but thank you.”

Clarence said, “You don’t have to answer me so hurriedly. You can consider it and reply to me after you’ve made up your mind.”

When he finished speaking, his phone started ringing. He walked out of the kitchen to answer the phone.

Stella put the pot on the stove and turned on the gas, staring at the red and blue fire in a daze.

After a while, she suddenly felt a pain in her eyes.

She guessed probably she had been overused her eyes for real.

She rubbed her eyes, looked away, and started cutting the vegetables.

Clarence couldn’t always mention the baby to her for no reason. She could guess two reasons.

One was the same as she had guessed.

If so, since a long time ago, Clarence had been deceiving her and always pretended to be calm.

The second possibility was that he knew how much she liked that baby, so he wanted to use the baby to make it up for her.

As she thought, she became absent-minded again. However, she forgot to put down the kitchen knife in her hand. Her finger was cut.

When she felt the sharp pain, Stella came back to her senses immediately. However, the knife was way too sharp, which had cut her flesh. Red blood started to flow out.

turned on the tap and washed

kitchen knife

“Please get me a band-aid. It’s

words, Clarence had turned off the tap, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her

“Sit down.”

the tea table, and found the Iodophor and cotton swabs, starting

felt the

pressed his thin lips slightly. He acted softly and continued, “I’ll take you to the hospital to see a

small cut. Not

checking up

Stella was rendered speechless.

she cursed him


Clarence pasted a band-aid on

up and was about to walk to the kitchen. Clarence said, “Leave it to me. You

“I’d better not...”

quite sorry for the pot,

a cold glance as if he

“All right. All right. You can just turn off the gas. I’ll order some takeouts. I suddenly

hearing it, Clarence didn’t insist. He walked to

noticed his movements in the kitchen. Before she could ask

how could he smash things whenever he entered the

saved, so Stella didn’t want to nag about him. She pulled out her cell phone to order some takeouts. Thinking that Clarence didn’t eat spicy food, nor did he like barbecue

quite late when they got home. When the takeouts were delivered,

took her pajamas to take

the door of the bathroom, Clarence walked out of the

Stella was confused.

asked indifferently, “Aren’t you injured? Do you need my

Stella didn’t answer.

shut him off

walking back

the sofa, he pulled out his phone

the phone, “Mr. Conrad, it seems that Amanda Byron was

“Problem resolved,” he


to pinch the nose bridge, “Don’t rush. Let me think about

Maxwell answered, “Okay.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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