After getting into the car, Lyndon pulled down his tie with gloominess written all over his face. He asked, “Where’s Phoebe?”

The driver replied, “Ms. Steward is on the way there.”

Lyndon turned around to take a glance and then said restlessly, “Quicker.”

The things happened tonight were actually out of his expectation. Initially he had planned to give the Steward Group to Stella and let her assume all the subsequent liabilities. He even asked someone to set fire in the Stewards’ Mansion, but he didn’t expect that many things out of his expectation would happen.

The driver took a glance at the rear-view mirror and his tone of voice subconsciously became nervous. “Chairman, several cars have been following us.”

Lyndon knitted his brows tightly. He didn’t expect that they would be able to chase after them so soon.

He ordered in a cold voice, “Drive to the overpass.”

“Aren’t we going to the airport?”

“Nope.” Lyndon narrowed his eyes and then asked, “Go to the helicopter hardstand.”

“But what about Ms. Steward?”

Lyndon interrupted him, “I can’t take this into consideration now.”

The driver didn’t speak again. He stepped on the accelerator and drove to the overpass.

The driver of the car following them didn’t expect this and lost track of them. But the other cars following behind caught up them again.

Seeing this situation, Lyndon was clutched by a foreboding.

It seemed like them had arranged a tight encirclement.

In the airport…

Phoebe was waiting for them in the VIP waiting room. She took out her phone impatiently to check the time, but when she unlocked her phone, she received a news notification.

When seeing the words ‘Steward Group’, she hurriedly clicked the news.

and it even pointed out in the end that the current chairman

She carefully read the whole news. Except for the report of the relevant

hurriedly dialed Lyndon, but she couldn’t

felt all her hair standing up and all the flowing blood in

phone tightly and

subordinate asked, “Ms. Steward, what’s

the reality, trying to remain calm, “Nothing. I

nodded his head, “We will board the plan in twenty minutes.

answer and then left with her

around and took a glance at her subordinate who was waiting for her in the room. She suddenly shifted her direction and walked out of the

a big event, yet she couldn’t get

group of people walked over and

In the hotel…

up, the crowd became nervous. Stella left Clarence’s embrace and found

hatred on his face and smiled at her, “Hey beautiful lady,

the words, someone grabbed his collar from behind and

you to call her lady. Why did you

of his confinement with dissatisfaction and hid himself behind Stella, “It’s

eyes and landed his gaze on Aaron’s arm which was wrapped

Stella, “Stella, help me. This mister is so horrifying. He

said, “If you don’t come here, do you believe that

argument. She reached out to pull Clarence, “All right,

and rubbed Aaron’s head, “It’s fine now.

scene when he accused Lyndon just now. She moved her lips and was

is Aaron White and then all call me Aaron. You can

Stella curled her lips into a smile, “Who did you come

subconsciously let go of Stella and took several steps backward. It seemed like

this, Stella didn’t probe into this question. She looked towards

replied with a nasal

go.” Stella then said to Aaron, “Let us send you


his brows. He controlled his temper and didn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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